Version 2

Discover the beautiful coastline of Bodø & Salten in safe Sea Kayaks with our guide.

The Sea Kayak represents mythically great voyage and intimate, educational contact with the elements. The coastline around Bodø is spectacular in so many ways, and arctic waters with unique visibility.

We safeguard both the joy and the voyage, whether you choose the harbour, nearby archipelago, or the maelstrom. Warm welcome to an adventure you´ll remember for a long time – with a smile.

Choose between:

Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 13.49.36 Easy

Screen Shot 2017-03-26 at 19.37.25 Easy to moderate

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 00.56.53  Very Easy

Mail:    post@rettkjø

Mob.:   00 47 975 36 103

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